Sorry about no updates lately. Still in Oslo, not much going on. Bangladesh in december will most probably be cancelled. Going to try and get to Asia sometime in early spring, around february.
Have some projects going on, seems to be focused on people living on the outside of the norm, people that are living their lives seemingly unaffected by normality and other peoples expectations. I got the idea while watching Sicko by Micheal Moore, and he is saying that (amongst other things) having debt makes people afraid to break out from the norm, because it locks you to a certain job, which again locks you to a certain lifestyle, a certain layer of society. Still only making contacts, but I’m getting there.
Pictures below are from the first photosession with an ensemble I’ve started working with. They were playing a gig at a christmas celebration at the university. The light sucked, so I hope I can shoot them some other time, and preferably somewhere either very small and intimate, or at a stage with real lighting.