Trond Sørås Photographer

Spring is coming

Nature, Random, Sports

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Or more like, the final battle with snow.
TS 20090312 oslo 0003

Also, random assignment-pics that’s already been published.
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Musician Stein Thorleif Bjella, best darn guy I’ve met in ages.
TS 20090303 greni 0040
Vocalist Øystein Greni in Big Bang.

And some pics from the Norwegian Championship of tagteam wrestling:
TS 110109 wrestling 0791
TS 110109 wrestling 0325
TS 110109 wrestling 1056
TS 110109 wrestling 1019
TS 110109 wrestling 0754
TS 110109 wrestling 0473
TS 110109 wrestling 0552

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