News feature from Alcoas aluminum plant at Lista. The plant is actively trying to cut electricity consumption, and their goal is to cut the consumption by 5 percent, which amounts to 71 GWh.
This is about the same as the average electricity used by around 6000 Norwegians. Aluminum plants are responsible for 15-20% of Norways energy consumption.
A report has stated that the Norwegian heavy industry can save up to 12 TWh a year just by investing in new technology. Alcoa Lista is a modest start, but a start nontheless.
Portrait of musician Jarle Bernhoft.
For Dagens Næringsliv, 21. jan 2010, printed 25. jan 2010
Posting recent assignments daily.
First up is a news feature about an oil service company based at Sola outside of Stavanger, afraid it has to take business abroad if contracts for the Statoil operated Gudrun field is given to foreign companies.
Dagens Næringsliv, printed 30. jan 2010.
Right picture. Wrong dude.
They ran the first two, and the other one where he’s outside. Personally, I really like the last one.
The man behind the so-called Stavanger Wave in Norwegian movies, Arild Ommundsen.